Dandelion (dent-de -lion ) lion's tooth -Nature's powerful medicine

A Backyard Herb with Many Benefits

Dandelion is a herbal flowering plant and can be seen every where in the united states of America Dandelion is scientifically known as Taraxacum officinale. .It is derived from French dent-de-lion, meaning "lion's tooth") Dandelions are native to Eurasia, but have been introduced to North America, South America and Australia, New Zealand and probably anywhere else where Europeans, the people have migrated.This plant is believed to have evolved about 30 million years ago in Eurasia.

Dandelion has been eaten for thousands of years as a food

Dandelion is an abundant natural food source.It contains vitamins and minerals as all parts of the plant can be eaten.Dandelion greens consists of 14% protein, which is more protein per serving than spinach and as a medicine to treat anemia, scurvy, skin problems, blood disorders, and depression. It’s high beta carotene and flavonoid content also benefits the immune system and cardiovascular system. Dandelion greens are also one of the richest sources of plant based Vitamin K which is essential for bone and neurological health which we convert into vitamin A and also rich in vitamin C, fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. It's a good place to get B complex vitamins, trace minerals, organic sodium, and even some vitamin D too. .Traditional cultures have used dandelion to support digestive and hormone health and it was often consumed to support lactation or to help remedy issues like urinary tract infections.

In the past the roots and leaves were widely used to treat liver problems. While the antioxidants like vitamin-C and Luteolin keep the liver functioning in optimal gear and protect it from aging, other compounds in dandelions help treat hemorrhaging in the liver. Furthermore, dandelions aid in maintaining the proper flow of bile, while also stimulating the liver and promoting digestion. Proper digestion can reduce the chances of constipation, which in turn reduces the risk of more serious gastrointestinal issues.it is beneficial for flushing out toxins and remineralize the body.

Native Americans also boiled dandelion in water and took it to treat kidney disease,

swelling, skin problems, heartburn, and upset stomach. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), it has been used to treat stomach problems, appendicitis, and breast problems, such as inflammation or lack of milk flow. In Europe dandelion was used in remedies for fever, eye problems, diabetes,high blood pressure, anemia,jaundice , diarrhea and even good for cancer too,

Dandelions are high in antioxidants, such as vitamin-C and Luteolin, which reduce the free radicals (major cancer-causing agents) in the body, thereby reducing the risk of cancer. It also detoxifies the body, which further helps protect from the development of tumors and various cancers. Luteolin actually poisons essential components of cancer cells when it binds to them, rendering them ineffective and unable to reproduce. . Certain components of dandelion, namely the high levels of dietary fiber, make it beneficial aid for digestion and proper intestinal health. Dietary fiber stimulates healthy bowel movements by adding bulk to stool, and also reduces chances of constipation as well as diarrhea. It regulates bowel movements, which can prevent more serious gastrointestinal issues.

Dandelions can be helpful to diabetics by lowering blood sugar,Dandelion juice can help diabetic patients by stimulating the production of insulin from the pancreas, thereby keeping the blood sugar level low. Its diuretic in nature helps to increase urination in diabetic patients, which helps remove the excess sugar from the body. Diabetics are also prone to renal problems, so the diuretic properties of dandelion can help removing the sugar deposition in the kidneys through increased urination. Furthermore, dandelion juice is slightly bitter to taste, which effectively lowers the sugar level in the blood, as all bitter substances do but for patients already taking blood-sugar modulators, this can result in hypoglycemia, an equally dangerous condition. Consult your doctor before adding dandelion supplements on top of your normal treatment. .

Dandelions are rich in calcium, which is essential for the growth and strength of bones, and they are rich in antioxidants like vitamin-C and Luteolin, which protect bones from age-related damage.This inevitable damage is often due to free radicals, and is frequently seen as bone frailty, weakness, and decreased density.and Vitamin A which is vital for eye and skin health. Dandelions have relatively good levels of iron, vitamins, and protein content. While iron is the integral part of hemoglobin in the blood, vitamins like vitamin-B and protein are essential for the formation of red blood cells and certain other components of the blood.

Dandelion sap, also known as Dandelion milk, is useful in treating skin diseases which are caused by microbial and fungal infections. This treatment stems from the fact that the sap is highly alkaline and has germicidal, insecticidal and fungicidal properties. You should be careful while using this sap, and avoid any contact with the eyes. This sap can be used on itches, ringworm, eczema, and other skin conditions without the risk of side effects or hormonal disturbances commonly caused by pharmaceutical skin treatments.

Dandelion dried leaves can be used as a medicinal tea. Roasted Dandelion Root Tea is an excellent aide for balancing blood sugar. Try adding a few dandelion leaves to your soup, salad, green juice, or smoothie. They can also be steamed with garlic and ginger and drizzled with a little extra virgin olive oil. Roasted Dandelion Root Tea is an excellent aide for balancing blood sugar

A Few Words of Warning:

Even though, medical experts regard dandelion use are generally safe— However, there have been rare reports of upset stomach and diarrhea, and some people are also allergic to the plant .People with an inflamed or infected gallbladder, or blocked bile ducts, should avoid using dandelion.Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue,If some are are allergic to ragweed and related plants, like chamomile, chrysanthemums, daisies, feverfew marigold, ragweed, sunflower or yarrow: Dandelions may exacerbate your allergic reaction, so proceed with caution. Anyone allergic to iodine or latex also should also avoid dandelion preparations. The University of Maryland Medical Center notes that an allergy to dandelion, as with many other herbs, could lead to a dangerous anaphylactic reaction.

In some cases some medicines can react with dandelion herb such as lithium, certain antibiotics, and drugs that are broken down by your -so my suggestion is to consult with your doctor before consuming it

Other than that, pick some delicious dandelion greens and get healthy!



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